I've had this idea in mind for quite some time, and finally bit the bullet (so to speak) and jumped right in. I have been collecting some of the kids' small toys, things that they used to love to play with (and some that they still love) and I've been hoarding them - waiting for the right moment to create a memorabilia display for each of them. I was at Hobby Lobby one day with a friend, and we found these beautiful (and cheap!) wooden boxes with the clear fronts, and I knew they'd be perfect. With some paint, patterned paper, rub ons, washi tape and some hot glue, the boys each have a cool display to hang on their walls. They really do like them, although our youngest wants to open it and play with the toys, asking me, "Mommy, why did you glue my toys in there?" and my favorite, "Mommy, did you cut the head off my dog?" Yes, son, I did, for the sake of crafting, I did. One day you'll understand LOL!

Nicholas': (not quite finished)
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