This has always been a good day for me! This morning I looked forward to see what would come my way.
We were busy today, fueling up the car, hitting Target, the bank machine, Kohl's (school clothes), Walmart (groceries) then relaxing with a treat of lunch and dessert at McD's (the kids' choice.) Funny, when I was fueling up, right at the start of our outting, I couldn't get the hood to open - it popped up when I pulled the release, but the little plastic pull didn't come out, so it wouldn't release from the front latch. Called VW, and will have to go in Tuesday morning to get some help (they were too busy). At least we got all our errands done, paid all our bills (woohoo!!) and have a little money to spare (gotta love that!) Bunco tonight with my neighborhood girlfriends (yaay!) as Shelly's family is babysitting (she's playing too!)
All in all, a pretty great 13th, even with the hood thingy. Maybe I'll win at bunco... who knows? LOL!! Doesn't matter, I'm just very grateful that I get to go.
No scrapping in the works today! Hopefully tomorrow!
mmmmmmm..... caramel frappe from McD's.... even sweeter as it was free!