Tuesday, August 24, 2010

School, day #2, hubby's bday, last day of vacation

We were up bright and early, the boys and I, anxiously awaiting the first morning bus ride. We met Alejandro at the bus stop, and one of the other moms with her kiddos, and we waited together. And waited. And waited. Finally, I called Shelly, and she said the kids at her stop were gone. Figured the new driver missed our street. Evelyn drove us to school, and we dropped the kids off at their classrooms. No worries, no tardies given this week.

Spent the day with my baby boy and my birthday husband. Yup, Ed's 39 today. I put on my facebook status last night that today I get to kiss a 39 year old man for the first time today ;) And it's true LOL!! He and Benjamin played Harry Potter on the wii for a while, then Ed ran on the treadmill and had his shower. We headed out around noon, first to Kohl's for Ed's birthday present - some yummy smelling Aqua di Gio cologne, and three white shirts. Found and tried out a new coffee place inside HEB - it is just a little coffee cart kind of thing, Minuti I think it's called. Delicioussssss. Loved my caramel macchiato. Ed had an iced chai cream. Went in search of "the" birthday cake and ended up with a deluxe coconut cream pie - Ed's pretty excited about it.

Came home, puttered around for a bit, then picked up the munchkin from the bus. Again, it was early, just like yesterday. When I spoke to the driver she said she hit her stop before ours at 7:28, and got to ours, waited 3-5 minutes then left... that's not possible, as Nicholas and I left the house at 7:31.... tomorrow we have to be earlier! This girl drives fast, and leaves fast!

Went to Kublai Khan for supper - our favorite make it, have them cook it place. Delicious as always. We all brought 1/2 our food home. Kiddos upstairs watching a movie, and we can too - the new one that came out today, with Jennifer Lopez - The Backup Plan... Then pie, then kiddos bedtime, then a show or two for us.

Awesome day. Thank you honey! Happy Birthday to you! We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cindy,

    Sounds like you had a good day. My kids start school on the 7th. Hopefully you can figuire out the busing thing, and they can start riding the bus soon. Don't you just hate trying to get that all sorted out! Here's a link to my blog Did you get the goodies I sent you?


Give It Away - Paul Brandt