Tuesday, July 26, 2011 - from nifty thrifty things blogS'more Rice Krispies

I am about to blow your ever-loving mind.
S'mores + Rice Krispie Treats.
SEE? Don't say I didn't warn you. When I saw them on Pinterest I freaked out! Then I followed the link and they were FOR SALE. $3.75 for one. So I googled s'more rice krispies and it turns out quite a few of you have made these. Here is my version for you to enjoy!
You will need to make 2 batches of treats, so I will include my super secret Rice Krispie Treat Recipe. This is only known by a few chosen people. In a largish bowl zap 40 large marshmallows and 2 tablespoons of butter for 2 minutes on high in the microwave. Stir and add 6 cups of Rice Krispies. Stir to combine, then press into a 13 x 9 pan. Repeat as necessary.
Now let's get back to the post... Here is what you need to make the yummy goodness:
4 T Butter, 80 big marshmallows and 12 cups rice cereal for the treats. 7 Graham crackers, 1 jar of marshmallow cream, couple shakes of sea salt and 6 chocolate bars for the filling.
Two batches made.
Break apart the chocolate and melt in microwave for about 2 minutes.
Pour melted chocolate on one batch. You don't have to go all the way to the edge. Leave about half an inch.
Sprinkle with just a bit of sea salt. (I went through a few different recipes and a couple added the salt. I think it is a good idea, it just sounded nice to me.) Press the graham crackers into the chocolate. I broke them apart, but you don't have to.
At this point you will want the chocolate to firm up to really grab on to those crackers. (Soon you will need to flip them on to the other treats and you don't want the graham crackers falling off. Listen closely to the voice of experience.)

Side note: I make my treats in a pan lined with wax paper. So much easier to get out. I put this one on a cookie sheet.
When the chocolate is hardened, (about 5 minutes depending on how hot your house is) spread the marshmallow cream.
The last step is kinda sketchy. You will need to flip the graham cracker side to the marshmallow side, making a nice little s'more sandwich. You may mess up, it's OK just reposition and do your best. You're just making s'mores and they will forgive you. {Your thighs, not so much.}
You will need to let them sit for a while before you slice 'em up.

There you have it! S'more Rice Krispie Treats. I know you are gonna love 'em! At this point I need to tell you that 90% of the time I am extremely careful about what I eat. And 10% of the time I bake. So 10% of the time I give myself free reign to indulge. Life is hard enough, why make it harder by resisting yummy goodness?
These will be a hit at your next party, I just feel it!
XOXO Jules