My scrappy life, full of kids, critters, wonderful friends and family, and soooo many scrappy supplies. Not to mention, some great coffee. Life is creative, happy, and amazing. Life is good :)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Win a Gypsy
Cricut Cartridges Helper
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saying hey
I've been sick for the last few days. Not to give all the details, but I would not be a tiny bit surprised if this is what Swine flu is. I can only hope I'm on the downward slide of it.
Kids are good, hubby's good. Nicholas is loving Kindergarten and his newfound enlarged world. Benjamin enjoys having Nicholas room to himself during the day LOL!! And when I'm not sick, I usually get a little scrapping done.
Thomas will be here in less than a month, and we're all very excited. I hope he remembers to bring his pictures from his Europe trip with Haley.
So, it's supper time, and I should quickly vaccuum in between cookie sheets being timed. That way when hubby gets home, it looks like I did something :)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
What's up?
So, I've done NO scrapping, and only made two cards in the last few weeks. I'm feeling the need to be scrappy, but the inspiration and mood has to be just right with the schedule, and that's hard these days. This is what I've managed
Thursday, July 9, 2009
When it rains, it pours!
... except if you live in Texas. We've hardly gotten any rain since it flooded at the end of April. There was a pretty fantastic downpour yesterday while the boys and I were buying groceries at Wal-Mart, but I don't know how much of it hit our neighborhood. Our grass looks like a straw field.
Anyway, with hubby still away, and back in Louisiana where we met with him last week, we are missing him. Seemed like the perfect opportunity to do a layout (challenge) from cm showing just how beautiful it was when we were driving around seeing the town. We were crossing this railway track when hubby stopped right on the tracks (which of course made me nervous, even though it was clear that no one was around) just for me to get some pictures from each window. I love this layout, and it will always remind me of our day sightseeing.
Summer Loving!
We've been busy, as hubby has been travelling so much for work. That is not the norm (or at least, since we moved to Texas, it is not supposed to be the norm) but with so many people on summer vacation, being short-handed is common, and hubby is picking up a lot of the slack. We even drove to Louisiana last week and spent a few days with him on the job. Discovered the Frothy Monkey coffee shop and LOVED it! If you ever get the chance, seriously, try the Turtle latte. A work of art in a cup. Mmmm.
So, here's my post for today! I've been working with this beautiful little flip flop that I bought from JoAnn, for $1 for the pair. I used it as a template and cut out chipboard for each page, then 2 pieces of patterend paper for each chipboard piece (it was a lot of work.) Then I printed all my pics in 3x4 or wallet size so they would fit, and embellished and journalled. Pretty simple, but I love it. And Benjamin loves it, and that's what makes it so special to me. My sweet little 2 year old loves the things I make for him, how fantastic is that!
I started this back in June, right after my online friend Janet posted that the challenge was coming. Now mine is NOT wearable, and you'll see why in a second. This is the original cutie pie flip flop. Loved the colors, totally says summer to me!
Now you'll see why it's not wearable, and why there's only one! The other was used as a template to create an album about my 2 year old son and his beautiful and adorable 'girlfriend'. Here's the pics:
Front view, fanned open:
And the back view, fanned open:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My real addiction
So, everyone knows me knows how much I love Tim Horton's coffee. Oh, and the fruit explosion muffins. There is nothing in the entire world better than the combination of these two; quiet time, sitting outside, enjoying the fresh air, total relaxation and enjoyment, with these two things. But you know, there is something that I love more than that. Take a good look, and you'll see what that is!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
'Alter this'
Well, this one was for sure a challenge! I was sent this big plastic blue clothespin and told to "alter" it. I searched and searched for ideas, and couldn't find anything like what I wanted (was going to do a money tree lol!!) As the deadline is near, I opted for a more 'normal' approach, but I'm telling you - I'm going to get another of these and put my money tree idea to work!) I love this though, the colors and the pics. Think this may be hubby's Father's Day gift!
Friday, May 29, 2009
This boy!!
We've had a busy couple days. Our community pool opened, our splashpad is working, and we reconnected with a neighbor that we hadn't seen over the winter. Got hubby off to his job in Colorado, so it's just me and the boys. We've been playing outside and I was getting lots of Benjamin pictures, so I wanted to turn it on Nicholas, who was willing, and being my little poser. I absolutely love this simple layout, and he does too. His personality truly shines through in these pictures, and he looks like Mama's little boy here. I love this kid!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
No pics today, but will add some
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Making the journalling the star
Getting the hang of it.
So many layouts are one large photo on a page, with the design flowing around it. I'm into volume scrapping - - I usually put 6 or 8 photos on a page, but I am coming around to it! For a special photograph or memory, I'll be doing this more often. I take so many photographs of my kids, that I am fortunate enough to get some fantastic shots of them both. I'm grateful that they are (usually) willing subjects for Mommy's obsession lol!!
Terrifying new technique (for me!)
So, I have never (ever) used my sewing machine on a page before. One of my CM groups is doing a birthday challenge weekend, and a layout that was given for inspiration had the ribbon bunched up as trim down the length of the page. It took me a couple days to get up the nerve, and today seemed to be the day. Seriously nervous, and a little shaky, I broke out my sewing machine that I have not used in easily two years, dusted it off, and gave it a try. And I love it! Totally adds to the page, and works with what I'm trying to say about my little boy.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Back at it!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Coming down from the cyber crop high
Hey all! Yup, I said it, but not as hey y'all.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A pic-free post
Anyway, I made 2 beautiful birthday cards, but I can post them just yet, as the two fantastic women who are going to get them just might check out the blog and see them too soon, so in a week or so, when I know they've gotten them, then I'll post. Now, I'm enjoying the air conditioning in the house, and I'm very lazy, not wanting to get chores done. But, I should vaccuum, then the kids and I are going to go out and (in the shade!) try to fill some little water balloons for them to play with. Should be fun! And another scrapping opportunity!
Friday, April 17, 2009
A one-day project! Done in one day lol!!
I haven't had much chance to scrap this week, but I did get two things done. The first was last night, about 10:30. It had to be submitted before midnight to be included in a challenge within CM. It was a sketch challenge that went really quick actually. It's one of my plainer layouts, but I like it. Not sure what I did with the photo of it though... I'll find it later.
Today, I actually started and finished a project. Yes, all in one day. Wahoo me! That doesn't happen often. Now I just have to clean up too lol!! This is a wall hanging that has a pic of my son on each of his 5 birthdays. It's a great way to show his growth and how much he has changed (and stayed the same.) I included the theme at each of his birthday parties too. He's pretty pleased with it, and so am I. Now I have to do one for the little guy too!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Now I'm all caught up!
Then, a card challenge - I won, as I was the only one who submitted! Yeah, Canada girl - way to go on the US Fourth of July themed card LOL!! Then, this is the little sign that hung on our door this morning, a note to the kids from the Easter Bunny. Finally, a card that I made for a friend... it will accompany the post it note book.
Catch up again
The kids have been sick, I've been sick, hubby's not been well... Seems we're all on the mend now. I have gotten a bit of scrappy stuff done, but not as much as I would have liked. We went out to Lake Jackson and Surfside Beach last weekend, and of course stopping in Galveston. This weekend, we vegged out at home, had an Easter Egg hunt with our neighbors at our community center, and had a egg hunt of sorts at home too. So now, with the tummies full of Easter dinner, and the dishes clean and the kitchen tidy, I have a moment to post a few of the things I've gotten done.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Catching up
I've been with sick boys for the last couple days, and now I'm sick myself. I hate colds that just keep hanging and hanging on! At least one of my boys is feeling better. I feel pretty much like a lazy rag, so the baby and I are snuggling and watching way too much tv. I think I'll need a Caillou intervention soon!
I had a fun crafty, inspired night this past Friday (before I started feeling bleh) and I made a couple of things (which are all posted here.) Good thing too, as I then just didn't have it in me to do anything crafty. Just wanted to be a couch lump. Speaking of which... that's where I'm heading once these post!
All of these were for CM challenges, including the altered cds. The boys love that they are "on a cd".
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I think what I'm going to try to do is one crafty thing per day... wouldn't that be great if I actually could? I'd have a great selection of cards on hand for all occasions, and our scrapbooks would be nearly up to date. Yeah, like that will ever happen! LOL!! Oh well, it's fun trying!
This card was done for a sketch challenge on CM. I like it, but it seems like something is missing... but for now it's done. I may add something to the upper part though... that 'negative' space just isn't working for me.
Lazy, crafty day
This card was done with stickles and liquid glass. I think I've learned that the stickles have to completely dry first, before applying the glass, otherwise it curls and cracks. But you know, for this card, I like the effect - it adds some 'flutter' to the butterfly!
Not much on our plate for today. Hopefully I'll have time to make something else :p
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Nicholas & Scott
I did this layout to fulfill two separate challenges on CM that I had to do and post before month-end (today.) Genius me, I started at 10:30 last night. I'm becoming a bit of a procrastinator these days! Okay, maybe I should just out with it and admit - I'm lazy sometimes!! Anyway, I had to use patterned paper that I was holding onto and not wanting to use because I liked it so much, and follow a specific sketch too. I'm going to hurry up and post, as the rain is pounding down and I'm worried about losing power and the computer going down. Lucky you - it makes the story shorter lol!!! This is my two-page layout, two views, the second showing the hidden journalling.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I love this site!
Why can't money just be unlimited? LOL!!! I love the Charlie Horse line... I may have to splurge just a tiny bit, maybe for my birthday. Think I should start hinting now :p
Friday, March 27, 2009
Here's a sketch from CafeMom that I didn't think I'd be able to do, but once things start moving, the thoughs come together. First is my one page layout, then the sketch below. This is an odd one for me, but I do like it. I think it will go in the frame in our kitchen for a while. Seems fitting I think! :p
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I totally can't take credit for making up this book, but I can share how I made it. This is the direction that was posted on CafeMom:
Circle Flip Up book
by Stacey Carter
Create this quick album to highlight an event or person.

- Circle cutting system( or cutting mat, hobby blade, and salad plate)
- 4 pieces of cardstock for base of project
- Bone Folder
- Sticky Strip™ or other strong adhesive
- SNAIL Adhesive
- Scissors
- Patterned Paper
- Ribbon
Step 1
Cut four circles out of cardstock. Your finished project will be 1/4 of the circle's original size.
To use a salad plate, place cutting mat on table. Put cardstock on cutting mat. Place plate on top of cardstock. Press down on your hobby blade all around the plate.
Step 2
Fold circle in half vertically using your bone folder.
Step 3
Fold circle in half horizontally using bone folder.
Step 4
Cut on fold line up to center point.
Step 5
Half inch down from fold line cut from right edge of circle to the middle fold line. This makes a flap on the lower right side.
Step 6
Cut at least 45 degree angle cuts on both sides of the flap.
You should now have 4 circles that look like this.
Step 7
Fold up the bottom left section.
Step 8
With your bone folder fold the flap down in half. This will make a mountain fold.
This is what your circles now look like.
Step 9
Decorate your circles.
It is important that you decorate this project before assembly and not place any decorations on your fold line.
Use any paper or accessories you desire. Here, the pieces from the circle that I cut off were used as a template for the scrapbook paper. I cut it in half when I put it on the mountain folded section. -
Step 10
Place Sticky Strip™ on flap close to the inner edge. This must be a permanent adhesive or they will fall apart.
Step 11
Slide the lower left hand section over the flap. The flap will be on the bottom.
Step 12
You now have 4 panels. You will attach the 1st panel to the 2nd one, the 2nd one to the 3rd one and the 3rd one to the 4th one. The 1st one is the front of your book. The 4th one is the back of the book.
Place snail (or other adhesive) all around the edge of the panel and 2 stripes in the center. Line them up on the bottom corner and edge. Then smooth them together. -
Step 13
Cut 24 inches of ribbon. Center the ribbon around the book. Tape the ribbon to the front and the back panels (not the spine).
Step 14
Decorate the front and back of the book as desired.
Here is the book open. You can tie it open so it sits nicely on a table.