My scrappy life, full of kids, critters, wonderful friends and family, and soooo many scrappy supplies. Not to mention, some great coffee. Life is creative, happy, and amazing. Life is good :)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Almost the end, almost the new
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
December 1st!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Paper Bag book, canvas cover
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The most amazing recycled scrappy organizer!
This was posted on a cafemom group by one of the crafty, crafty mommies! Who would have thought to use an old lampshade, stripped down to the frame! What an awesome idea. I am so impressed by the craftiness of some people, wow! This was too good to keep to myself, had to share, as she has been kind enough to :)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Hippo Birthday
Per the Dollies:
very first OCTOBER CHALLENGE! Here we go....
Red, Blue, Ivory and Brown

Here is my card that I made, with these colors in mind, and a sweet youthful punny sentiment!
I hope he loves it!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Fabulous Design Dollies challenge
This is the challenge:

Here is my finished product:
Friday, September 17, 2010
Some Odd Girl contest
Saturday, September 11, 2010
September 11th, and celebrating new life
This afternoon was all about my friend Denise, her husband Doug, and their soon to arrive baby boy James. Surrounded by family and friends, and more baby gifts than I have ever seen, we celebrated the love of this amazing couple. There couldn't be better parents chosen. I was so honored to be invited, and of course became the unofficial 'official' picture taker. I have a ton of pics to upload, she will be very pleased.
My friend Shelly was so sweet, and watched the kids for me for 5 hours. When I got to her home to pick them up, all the boys were in the pool in the back yard - with Brian and Nicholas in their full clothes, Benjamin in shorts (that were not his) with a pamper that was sooooo full, absorbed to the absolute max - it was hilarious. Shelly was concerned I'd be upset, but really, they were having so much fun. And I got some adorable splashy pictures - Nicholas wrangling an inflatable alligator, and Benjamin doing his cannon balls off the ladder. The boys sure do love water!
I'm looking forward to a nice, quiet evening, maybe watching something on the dvr and scrapping a little bit. Oh, and a yummy, yummy cup of "Lee" tea to relax with. (Lee is my friend with angel wings.)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday Tidy
I've been able to get back to a normal schedule now, with us back home from Vancouver, and kiddo back in school. Hubby is again traveling for work, so it's me and the kids and pets. I love 7:30, when the boys go to bed, as I have some time to watch tv or a movie, read, or what I've been doing lately: scrapping and making a mess LOL! I've spent a good portion of last night and this afternoon cleaning up, and trying to find a way that will work to maintain order and still give me what I need for scrapping room. Here's what I've accomplished so far:
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Legally back
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
School, day #2, hubby's bday, last day of vacation
Spent the day with my baby boy and my birthday husband. Yup, Ed's 39 today. I put on my facebook status last night that today I get to kiss a 39 year old man for the first time today ;) And it's true LOL!! He and Benjamin played Harry Potter on the wii for a while, then Ed ran on the treadmill and had his shower. We headed out around noon, first to Kohl's for Ed's birthday present - some yummy smelling Aqua di Gio cologne, and three white shirts. Found and tried out a new coffee place inside HEB - it is just a little coffee cart kind of thing, Minuti I think it's called. Delicioussssss. Loved my caramel macchiato. Ed had an iced chai cream. Went in search of "the" birthday cake and ended up with a deluxe coconut cream pie - Ed's pretty excited about it.
Came home, puttered around for a bit, then picked up the munchkin from the bus. Again, it was early, just like yesterday. When I spoke to the driver she said she hit her stop before ours at 7:28, and got to ours, waited 3-5 minutes then left... that's not possible, as Nicholas and I left the house at 7:31.... tomorrow we have to be earlier! This girl drives fast, and leaves fast!
Went to Kublai Khan for supper - our favorite make it, have them cook it place. Delicious as always. We all brought 1/2 our food home. Kiddos upstairs watching a movie, and we can too - the new one that came out today, with Jennifer Lopez - The Backup Plan... Then pie, then kiddos bedtime, then a show or two for us.
Awesome day. Thank you honey! Happy Birthday to you! We love you!
Monday, August 23, 2010
First Day of School!
Nicholas was home before I even went out to meet the bus! His driver was super quick, and he was home early - on the first day of school even! He had a great day, and was very chatty, his baby blues were full of sparkle. He had his oatmeal cookies happily and talked about his day. Such a huge difference from last year. Made curry for supper, and he chattered all through dinner, then went to bed easily. We could get used to this.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Crop weekend again!
Every month our CafeMom group does an online crop, and even though our last month's was just over not that long ago, we are working on August (early this month due to school starting.) Here is a challenge I did that was hosted by my fellow group owner, who wanted to see 'everyday love' between members of the family. I popped my memory card from my camera to my computer, thinking I'd have to do some searching, and I found the perfect picture right away! Benjamin and Nicholas snuggling (and hamming it up) while they were watching tv together upstairs. The do fight and argue, and get on each other's nerves, but they are serious about loving each other too.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Happy Friday the 13th

This has always been a good day for me! This morning I looked forward to see what would come my way.
We were busy today, fueling up the car, hitting Target, the bank machine, Kohl's (school clothes), Walmart (groceries) then relaxing with a treat of lunch and dessert at McD's (the kids' choice.) Funny, when I was fueling up, right at the start of our outting, I couldn't get the hood to open - it popped up when I pulled the release, but the little plastic pull didn't come out, so it wouldn't release from the front latch. Called VW, and will have to go in Tuesday morning to get some help (they were too busy). At least we got all our errands done, paid all our bills (woohoo!!) and have a little money to spare (gotta love that!) Bunco tonight with my neighborhood girlfriends (yaay!) as Shelly's family is babysitting (she's playing too!)
All in all, a pretty great 13th, even with the hood thingy. Maybe I'll win at bunco... who knows? LOL!! Doesn't matter, I'm just very grateful that I get to go.
No scrapping in the works today! Hopefully tomorrow!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Awesome card!
I made this card for a friend for her birthday, adding a little chocolate treat to it.
Then I found this card (below) which is the same concept, but a double card! I think I must try it. I must, I must!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
When you are on your own....
..... you scrap! Or at least that's the way in our house. I am home with one kiddo, as the other is out with his best friend and the momma - they are heading to the school where Nicholas is going to show them around, then they are having a picnic - ghasp!! - outside! (It is amazingly hot, yet again today.) Then this evening, the momma is taking them to the gym with her, so they can play while she works out. Benjamin and I are being home bodies, and that's just fine. It's giving me the chance to be a little crafty:
The first card was for a sketch challenge, hosted my my lovely cafe mom group co-owner. She made a beautiful card that we were to copy. Love this design!
The layout of my sweet goofy grinning boy I did this morning - - that's actual machine stitching too! I pulled out the old sewing machine and dusted it off - got it threaded the first time around too!
The last card is for my LMN O Pea card swap that is coming up this weekend. I actually got it done early! I was feeling the pressure, so I couldn't just let it sit. Maybe I should be smart and start working on the September ones, just to be safe!
Snack time for little man, and some snuggle time while we watch a cartoon. :)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sometimes round is the way to go!
I have 13 cards I need to have made for a swap next weekend, and it's not like me to procrastinate and wait until the last moment. Even though it's a week away, I'm feeling the pressure. I stayed up late last night to get one set done, and this is what I came up with. It's not completely finished, I think I'll do a little faux stitching, but not sure on if there will be much more than that. Love the little squirrel, from the Create a Critter cricut cartridge.
Now to get going on the next design....
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I have found my peace... and am in a scrappier place
Here's what I've been working on the last couple days:
*layout I just finished this morning. I love, love, love this page - - the chipboard frame is sprayed with homemade glimmer mist, in SU! Tangerine Tango, CTMH clover meadow, and a Tattered Angels blue skies. Love it! And the kiddos are so sweet. Nicholas gave me the silly bandz, so this is the perfect way to keep them and the memory.
*cards I did for a cafe mom challenge, but I ummm... didn't read all the directions (they were supposed to be done with a pink emphasis... oh well!)
*This layout I did a day or two ago, about Valentino and his joy at going to the bus stop every morning. Nicholas is a very smart boy for 6 years old - - he gets to the bus stop and seeks out one of the two girls, and he passes the leash to them. They of course, think he's the sweetest thing for sharing his puppy with them.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
My kingdom for some peace!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
While the cat's away...
Today is day one of our July online crop in the group that I took ownership of. I'm nervous that people will be bored with it, or that they just won't participate. Today I was busy scrapping for challenges, I hope other members are too. Along with the previous post for today, of the Bunny Boy page, I did do a couple other things:

This card is for my 'unusual celebration' card - - it is in honor of rubber duckies everywhere LOL!! A requirement was using the corrugated cardboard somewhere on a card or layout. I really love this stamp set. Charlie Horse is just so sweet!
I have been trying hard to finish off Nicholas' kindergarten scrapbook, as he will be starting Grade One in just 3 short weeks. A lot of my work for the next few posts will be from his book. This one is for a cnc challenge too, a Red, White & Blue(or green) page.
This is from the Spring party at WCE that was held just before spring break. Nicholas loves the pics of him with his buddies, and that it is all about him.
I'm sure I'm not quite done scrapping for the night, but I am going to take a little tv break. More to post tomorrow.
Scrapping the Bunny Boy
This is for a challenge to make an entire scrapbook layout with just your scraps, and your scraps have to make up the foundation for your page. Above is the scraps, and below is the page foundation:
after cutting out 36 2" squares, here's my finished layout:
for the flowers, I stamped them on some of these lighter scrap pieces, then used my cuttlebug to cut them out, then glimmer misted to give shine.
I bought the spellbinders dies that have the matching stamps (Leslie & I got these at CKC earlier this month.) Haven't quite got the hang of them perfectly yet, but they are pretty.
I love this layout, and how sweet Nicholas looks. Still my little small boy, so happy and so proud running home to show his artwork and goodies from school. Too soon, he'll have things just shoved in his backpack that he will forget to show us, or that he will just throw away. But for now, he's still excited, proud and eager. I love you my little Bunny Boy!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Just can't take it anymore
I can't believe we have a room like this in our home. We've been closing the door to it for the last week or two, but now... the crap has extended too far out and the door won't close. This is my chore for today. And of course, I'm making it a scrappy challenge too. These are the 'before' pics... I will post the organized 'after' pics too, then I'm going to do a layout about it :) But of course LOL!!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
New Owner moving in
... like... this little card! Love this cricut cartridge, it's called Create a Critter. Anyone who knows me knows I love raccoons, and this little one is just so adorable.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Something wicked this way comes!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Happy Canada Day!
Considering we are the only people in our neighborhood that would be celebrating this day, we are making it a red and white day. What we wear, and what we eat for supper! (Could be challenging...) Red Thai curry and white rice maybe? LOL!! I'm in the mood to scrapbook Canada stuff, so I dug through my pics and found these gorgeous ones of the kids, wearing the Team Canada Olympic shirts that Ed brought them back from his last trip up:
Future Scientist
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Shoe Frog!
Thomas would very much get a kick out of this page. I was talking to him on the phone when I discovered this frog in Benjamin's shoe and screamed. Thomas laughed, Ed laughed, I tossed the shoe, and the poor frog, I can only imagine he was wondering what on earth was going on! I'd been watching him the night before, never honestly thinking he'd hide out in Ben's shoe, but yup, there he was. Ed was kind enough to come out and transplant him into the garden so I could get Benjamin ready to go. Silly frog! :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hanging with the kids today...
Monday, June 14, 2010
Summer's here!
I have an all day crop this weekend with my Peas, and we have two card swaps that I am participating in. This card is for the "scallop" group - only requirements are to use a scallop (of course!) and two embellies (ribbon and button). Cute, simple, and love the color combo.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A day with our fingers crossed
The kids were all interested in this little black slug at the bus stop this morning. First time I can recall seeing a real one. Nicholas didn't touch it like the other kids, but he was watching. Don't blame ya pal, Sluggie left a slime trail as he moved. Ewwwwww.... He was still a little wary of things - he'd slept with us last night because he had a dream that disturbed him - that we had birds all over inside the house and they pooped on everything. That grossed him out so much he needed to be with us.
Today, today... hmmm... Think I can scrapbook! All the laundry was done yesterday, and everyone is on the road to healthy (last week was rough!) so I'm going to play in my scrappy room, see what I can come up with. More than a couple CM challenges that I want to get to!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The day before Mother's Day!
Last night I finished a lovely layout for a challenge of mine in an online group. I used the new Crate paper that came in a monthly kit that I've just subscribed to (from Scrapbook Circle.) I have to say, all the cutting around the little circles/stems took a long time! But I love this layout:
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tons of scrappiness!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Pretty. Simple. Pretty darn simple.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Funny for today!
With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy.
Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think,
Good grief, look how smart I am!
Must be where 'Smart Ass' came from!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Happy Thursday
Monday, April 5, 2010
Things, they are a-changing!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Scrapping right along!
I've been very lucky, and this past week, I've gotten a lot of scrapping done. My favorite online group had a crop that went from Wednesday to Sunday, and I finished 10 different challenges. I impressed myself. Here's some of what I'm happy to have finished:
Ta-da! Love this layout, I'll be using it again! And I was inspired by the tv show challenge too, hence "the apprentice" title.
Our new puppy, Valentino

So, as you can see, it was a very productive weekend! And I have to thank my hubby, 'cause he looked after the boys for almost all of Saturday, and spent the day cleaning while I was in my jammies and scrapping.